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Friendly Children’s Dentist

Kids look forward to visiting the friendly children’s dentist. At The Smilist Dental Medford, we don’t just accept young patients — we welcome them with open arms! Children’s smiles require a special approach, and Our doctors and our team are equipped with the skills needed to set your little one on the path to enjoying life with a healthy, beautiful smile.

Children’s Dental Hygiene: A Brief Guide

Like so many other things, the health of your child’s smile depends on you. Even before your baby has any teeth, you should wipe their gums down after each feeding with a moist washcloth to remove leftover sugars. Once teeth appear, use a rice-sized amount of fluoridated toothpaste to clean your child’s teeth twice a day. Increase the amount to a pea-sized amount of toothpaste around age three. Choose a toothbrush that is appropriately sized for your child’s age. Begin flossing as soon as two teeth touch each other.

By the time your child can tie their own shoes, they will be dexterous enough to begin brushing their own teeth, too, with your assistance, of course. Continue to help them during brushing and flossing to ensure they are doing a thorough job. Help your child understand the importance of eating a balanced, nutritious diet, and that having a healthy smile means they are more likely to feel good and enjoy better overall health as well.

First Visit to the Dentist: Age 3

You should schedule your little one’s first visit to the dentist by the time they turn three (or earlier if you think something’s just not right with their oral development). During this initial visit, we will take a brief look around their smile, do a gentle cleaning, and talk about the importance of taking care of their teeth. We will also answer any questions you may have about your little one’s smile, like how often to brush, whether or not to use fluoride, and anything else that’s on your mind. Regular six month visits should begin around this time, so we will schedule a time to see you and your child again soon.

Helpful Preventive Treatments for Older Children

As your child grows older, we can provide two helpful treatments to keep cavities at bay: topical fluoride treatments and dental sealants. Fluoride re-mineralizes the tooth enamel to prevent soft spots from forming and turning into cavities. Dental sealants are thin shields that are painted onto the chewing surface of the molars and premolars. Once they dry, sealants provide lasting protection against food particles and bacteria that cause decay. Both preventive treatments are completed within a matter of minutes at the end of a checkup and cleaning, and provide lasting protection against cavities.

Schedule an Appointment Today!

Children’s dentistry is top-notch at The Smilist Dental Medford. When was the last time your little one actually looked forward to visiting the dentist? It’s possible — request an appointment with Dr. Our doctors and the rest of our kid-friendly staff today!