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Single Tooth Implants

Seamless Tooth Replacements for Beautiful Smiles

Do you have a single missing tooth? We are proud to offer single tooth dental implants as a way for patients to achieve a strong and beautiful smile once more. This option combines the benefits of dental implants with our custom-made dental crowns to achieve amazing results. Keep reading to learn more about this option and how you can benefit from a single tooth implant.

Tooth Replacement Options

Man pointing to his single tooth implant

When it comes to replacing a single missing tooth, you essentially have 2 different options. The first is a traditional fixed bridge. This replacement literally bridges the gap in your smile by connecting a lifelike dental prosthetic to dental crowns on either side of the space. Patients choose this option because it is a relatively quick and affordable way to replace a tooth. However, bridges only restore the top portion of the tooth, and they require alteration of the 2 teeth next to the gap in your smile. But, if you choose a single tooth implant, you can restore your tooth from the roots up, maintaining the health and beauty of the rest of your smile.

What Is a Single Tooth Implant?

Woman pointing at tooth during a dental implant consultation

A single tooth implant is a dental crown supported by a dental implant that is used to replace a missing tooth. The dental implant is a titanium post that is surgically placed in the jawbone to act as an artificial tooth root. Once it has integrated with your jawbone, we can place a dental crown on top of it to seamlessly complete your smile. This dental implant option is a replacement that looks, feels, and functions just like your natural smile!

Benefits of Single Tooth Implants?

3D illustration of a dental implant

We offer single tooth implants because of the many benefits our patients can enjoy after getting them, including:

  • Bone health: Dental implants stimulate the jawbone to prevent deterioration after tooth loss.
  • Dental health: Because the dental implant supports the dental crown, your surrounding teeth won’t have to be altered to accommodate your replacement.
  • Longevity: The dental implant itself can last for 30 years and even the rest of your life with proper care.
  • Function: A single tooth implant looks and feels like a natural tooth, allowing you to eat, speak, and laugh with confidence.

If it sounds like your smile could benefit from these upgrades, don’t hesitate to contact our office today!